Pixel Games Studio Apps

Hunter Cube Games Survival C16.6
Hunter Cube Games Survival is a first personshooter, action game that will get adrenalin rushing through yourveins.He raised his sword higher in the air making the wound in his armeven more visible. There was only one thing in the whole world thatcould have left such a mark of the injury; it was the relic. Thismeant that he was not too far from what he had come to achieve. Thething that had managed to survive, withstanding adversities formany centuries, was very soon going to be in his possession to bekept safe.Features of this game include:- Game map- Targeted aiming with precision- Shooting, running, jumping- First person shooter style- User friendly interfaceWhat to do?The ancient custodian had been able to thwart the attempt of thesavages who wanted to claim the relic for their personal gains. Hehad nothing but admiration and respect for these guardians. It hadnever been easy to reach the relic and he knew that; but, what healso knew in his heart it wasn’t impossible either. He had to do itfor he had no other choice. The relic must not fall in the hands ofthe savages. He had the right and the knowledge to keep it safe inhis custody.Some well known highbrows had recently discovered this veneratedtreasures and the governing authorities from all across the worldhad sent their men to assert their claim on it. He was the lonerebellion, who was once a mighty solider and also a perspicaciousarchaeologist. He knew that what must befall the world if the relicfell in the hands of the wrong people. Thus, he must get to therelic and seize it so that it could be kept away from the evil. Hehad not the choice to fail. He had to succeed. And so, he mustfight.
Battle Mine Hunter Games C10.2.2
Battle Mine Hunter Games is first personshooter action game with loads of challenges and engaging fights.I was held captive in the prison in planet where I was tormentedwith humiliations and tortures. I escaped the planet and was underthe impression that every obstacle to my freedom had been removed.But that was apparently not entirely true.Some of my enemies managed to survive and now they were houndingme restlessly, across the galaxy, to exact their revenge for mydoings. There was a life when I had begun to think that my lifewill all be peace and calm. I was hopping form one planetoid toanother in order to drain out the memories of the past. I just didnot want to remember anything. But that was not to be.Not only did these stark thoughts haunt me in my sleeps as thedreadful nightmares, they kept reclaiming their space in my mindeven during the day. The dark cell where I had been held captivewas something that appeared so clear in my head all the time and itbrought with it the feeling of agony.There was one little inhabited planet I frequented to reflect onmy life in peace. The rocky landscape with the volcanic activitiesgave me some sense of calm. One day, I was on that planet, musing,when my enemies appeared before my eyes. I had no gun to fight themfor I had left it in my ship. I was their captive again, but thistime only to be treated more ruthlessly and mercilessly. But, Iwould not take it. There was no way I was going back to thatforlorn cell. And this time, I was leaving no survivor behind.Amazing Features Provided By The Game:- Choose to use firearm or engage in hand to hand combat- Movement adjustment- Use the fallen weapons from enemies
Military Battle Survival Games C16.6
Are you ready for a gigantic, action packedfirst person shooter? Run through the battlefield with dynamiccharacter movements and immersive 3D environments.***The Battle Has Begun***There used to be six of us, now there is only myself. I can hearthe choppers sounding through the city ravaging the lands below inan explosive symphony of screams and death. Uncontrollable.Dangerous. Do not approach. These were the words that wereplastered over every news feed as the major news stations andpapers covered the brutal attacks in the eastern citadel of theseven pillars. When I started this mission, I thought I wouldchange the world. Exhausted, I slumped against the twisted metal ofwhat used to be someone's rear deck. His arm throbbed painfullyfrom the bullet wound he'd sustained. As tired as he was, he foughtto stay awake, his gun clutched in his hand. Losing conscious nowwould meet certain death, especially with the end of this onslaughtso near. He might have been shot up, bruised and nearly bled todeath, but he was still here on his own two feet, and whatever thatmeant about his future, he was certain that whatever fate had instore from him- survival or death- he would welcome itbravely.***Play to Win***An intense solo campaign awaits you with time challenges, power-uprewards, gradual difficulty progress and more, with various enemiesand landscapes taking you from battlefield to stealth missions inindoor and outdoor landscapes. Play the game you want with newsetting screen that allows you to control the difficulty andsensitivity you desire for a real FPS adrenaline rush! Awesomepixel graphics and perfectly adapted war strategy stimulations makefor a truly immersive and fun shooter game!Top Game Features:>>Hone your Target Skills>>Power-Ups & Permanent Perks: endless sprint, specialbullet, double damage, body armor, etc>>Mission Select Screen>>Six Vast Maps to Explore>>Pause/Play Option>>Mobile On-the-Go Optimization>>Game Timers
Survival Hunter Mine Games C16.6
Confront danger with cunning first personshooting skills in Survival Hunter Mine Games. Running and shootingaction awaits you in explosive pixel graphics. This cool modernblock world shooter in a single player campaign boasts sevensurvival arenas where you will confront a variety of enemies, withtimed maps that challenge you to beat the clock and earn permanentweapons, armor and damage. Collect daily rewards and wipe out foeswith your epic blend of skill and arsenal of deadly goods.Precision aiming combined with a hide-and-seek 3D landscape createsthe perfect recipe for disaster- whether it be yours or yourenemies, it is up to you to decide...*** SURVIVAL CAMPAIGN ***A giant, fully stocked cruise ship leaves port for a long voyagewith only a few people on board when the ship comes too close tothe Bermuda triangle and are pulled into the unknown. Without anidea of what to expect, the crew braces themselves for the worst.As you enter, a terrible war rages on the large mysterious islandwhere you wash up and you slip in under the radar upon docking in adiscreet location. You, a skilled sniper on vacation, sneak offfrom the others and quickly discover that all the government'sexperiments are sent here to be studies and tested, and the reasonno one is ever seen again after entering this sector - they arecaptured and detained or killed by the monsters the government hascreated. This new landscape is a minefield of troubles and you mustnavigate it skillfully and carefully if you hope to come outalive!Top Game Features:-Fist Fighting Combat-Enemies Deal Higher Damage as Game Progresses-Loading Screen Tips-Daily Power-Ups-Level TimersHunt Down Enemy Groups-Defend and Destroy the Opposition-Confront Armed Monsters, Ghoulish Creatures & DemonArmiesLevels:- Street Block- Amusement Park- Hospital Complex
Puppet Master Deadly Craft C16.6
Fight the undead in Puppet Master DeadlyCraft. Navigate mysterious landscapes like the marionette shop,haunted mansion and the deep, dark woods as you fight to surviveyour stay in this violent little town of horrors...***Mysterious Little Town of Horror***Headlights cutting through the dense fog, pressing against your carwindows, seeping in through the vents to settle into your verylungs. The soulless eyes of hitchhikers on your route, clawingwildly at the air, mere inches from your vehicle as it creeps alongthe lonely country road. You stop at a gas station, dimly lit,nearly choked out from the fog. You can barely make out anadvertisement in the window for stale hotdogs and half pricewatered down beer. The diner next door is eerily empty, and youapproach with caution. Suspicious dark blotches stain the waitress'blouse. "Know of any place to stay around here?" you ask, gulpingdown the thick black coffee as if your only salvation. "The mansiondown the way is opened to weary travelers." A smile spreadingacross her face like a knife to your throat. "Sure. Sounds good.What direction?"***Survival Legends***Adventure through 3D worlds, totaling six frantic levels. Use tonsof devastating weapons and power-ups against hordes of foes! Everystep could be your last! Defeat all the undead enemies in eachlevel. Lock in on targets and fire away for a true aim. Timedlevels keep you on your feet but give up big rewards for successfulcompletion. Use your sharpshooting skills to conquer in thishorror-filled game. Collect daily rewards, keep an eye on yourmaps, claim hidden weapons and perks and watch brief video ads toearn ammo and health when needed. The race is on to stay alive. Areyou brave enough to win the battle?Top Game Features:-Overview map-Aggressive FPS head-to-head-Simple, touch-pad controls-Varied and powerful blocky weapons-HP and ammo pickups-Control settings-Hints and tricks for success-Range of fighting options-Daily power-ups
Diverse Cube Survival Battle C16.6
Defend yourself and confront deadly enemies inDiverse Cube Survival Battle. This FPS mobile app game is full ofcombat action with a variety of challenges and rewards to claimupon the successful completion of your mission.***An Elusive Spy***When you were a child, you witnessed your parents murder by adelusional man who claimed he was a time traveler. You thought hewas crazy, but as the years pass and you grow older, your bestfriend starts to look eerily similar to your parent's killer. Soonafter, you discover a stack of "wanted persons" news clippingsunder your parent's bed. All with HIS photo. It is then you realizethat they were tracking him the entire time, but lost when he gotthe best of him. When you go to confront him, he disappears at thedrop of a hat, and suddenly after, you start to see him everywhere,wherever you go....***Defend Against Villain Attacks***Enemies are everywhere, tracking your every movement. Use yourparachute and land on a specific target for a surprise attack. Fireshots into exploding barrels and take down numerous enemies at onceis your aim is true enough. Surveillance security alarms aretriggered when you enter sensitive areas. Watch videos for rewards,earn power-ups and collect modern blocky weapons.Game Features:-Beat the timer to claim a variety of perks-Confront intelligent enemies-Loading bar battle tips-Challenging timed target missions-Hand-to-hand war-stimulation-Explosive barrels-Simple touch screen controls-Landscape surveillance overview